A Critique of Greenspan's Comments

© William Larsen

April 1, 2000

Testimony of Chairman Alan Greenspan General revenue transfers for social security and Medicare Before the Special Committee on Aging, U.S. Senate March 27, 2000

The following is the full text of Federal Reserve Bank Chairman Alan Greenspan's testimony Monday on ``General Revenue Transfers for Social Security and Medicare'' before the Senate Special Committee on Aging:

"Mr. Chairman and other members of the committee, I am pleased to be here today as you begin your discussion of using general revenue transfers to shore up social security and Medicare. A thorough consideration of the options available for placing these programs on a firmer fiscal footing is essential given the pressures that loom in the not-too-distant future. I commend the committee for your efforts to advance this important discussion.

1 As you are well aware, the dramatic increase in the number of retirees relative to workers that is set to begin in about ten years makes our pay-as-you-go social security and Medicare programs, as currently constituted, unsustainable in the long run. Eventually, social security and Medicare will have to undergo reform. The goal of this reform must be to increase the real resources available to meet the needs and expectations of retirees, without blunting the growth in living standards among our working population and, presumably, without necessitating sizable reductions in other government spending programs.

2 The only measures that can accomplish this goal are those aimed at increasing the total amount of goods and services produced by our economy. As I have argued many times before, any sustainable retirement system--private or public--requires that sufficient resources be set aside over a lifetime of work to fund an adequate level of retirement consumption. At the most rudimentary level, one could envision households saving by actually storing goods purchased during their working years for consumption during retirement. Even better, the resources that would have otherwise gone into the stored goods could be diverted to the production of new capital assets, which would cumulatively produce an even greater quantity of goods and services to be consumed in retirement.

From this perspective, it becomes clear that increasing our national saving is essential to any successful reform of social security or Medicare. The impressive improvement in the budget picture since the early 1990's has helped greatly in this regard. And it appears that both the Administration and the Congress have wisely chosen to wall off the bulk of the unified budget surpluses projected for the next several years and allow it to build. This course would boost saving, raise the productive capital stock, and thus help provide the wherewithal to meet our future obligations.

3 The idea that we should stop borrowing from the social security trust fund to finance other outlays has gained surprising--and welcome--traction. It has established, in effect, a new budgetary framework that is centered on the on-budget surplus and the way it should be used. The focus on the on-budget surplus measure is useful because it offers a clear objective that should help to strengthen budgetary discipline. Moreover, it moves the budget process closer to accrual accounting, the private-sector norm, and--I believe--a sensible direction for federal budget accounting.

Under accrual accounting, benefits would be counted when they are earned by workers rather than when they are paid out. 4 Under full accrual accounting, the social security program would have shown a substantial deficit last year. So would have the total federal budget. To the extent that such accruals are not formally accounted for in the unified budget--as they generally are not--we create contingent liabilities that, under most reasonable sets of assumptions, currently amount to many trillions of dollars for social security benefits alone. The contingent liabilities implicit in the Medicare program are much more difficult to calculate--but they are likely also in the trillions of dollars. For the federal government as a whole, an accrual-based budget measure would record noticeable unified budget deficits over the next few years and increasing, rather than decreasing, implicit national indebtedness. 5 The expected slowdown in the growth of the labor force, the direct result of the decrease in the birth rate following the baby boom, means that financing our debt--whether explicit debt or the implicit debt represented by social security and Medicare's contingent liabilities--will become increasingly difficult. I should add, parenthetically, that the problem we face is much smaller than that confronting the more rapidly aging populations of Europe and Japan. Nonetheless, pressures will mount, and I believe that the growth potential of our economy is best served by maintaining the unified budget surpluses presently in train and thereby reducing Treasury debt held by the public. The resulting boost to the pool of domestic saving will help sustain the current boom in productivity-generating investment in the private sector. 6 Indeed, if productivity growth continues at its recent pace, our entitlement programs will be in much better shape. Saving the surpluses--if politically feasible--is, in my judgment, the most important fiscal measure we can take at this time to foster continued improvements in productivity.

The vehicle through which we save our surpluses is less important than the fact that we save them. 7 One method that has been proposed, and that is the focus of today's hearing, is to transfer general revenues from the on-budget accounts to the social security trust fund. These transfers in themselves do nothing to the unified budget surplus. The on-budget surplus is reduced, but the off-budget surplus increases commensurately. 8 The transfers have no effect on the debt held by the public and, hence, no direct effect on national saving. But transferring monies from the on-budget to the off-budget social security accounts could make it politically more likely that the large projected unified surpluses will, in fact, materialize. Given that our record of sustaining surpluses for extended periods of time is not good, any device that might accomplish this goal is worth examining.

Using general revenues to fund social security is an idea that has been considered previously but rejected. 9 Indeed, the commission that I chaired in 1983 was strongly opposed, for a variety of reasons, to the notion of using general revenues to shore up social security. One argument was that using general revenues would blur the distinction between the social security system, which was viewed as a social insurance program, and other government spending programs.

10 Both social security and, for that matter, Medicare part A are loosely modeled on private insurance systems, with benefits financed out of worker contributions. Like private insurance systems, they are intended to be in long-term balance. But the standard adopted for social security and Medicare part A--that taxes and other income are to be sufficient to pay benefits for 75 years--falls short of the in-perpetuity full funding standard of private pension plans, and, in many years, social security and Medicare have not met even this less stringent standard.

Furthermore, the requirement that social security and Medicare be in long-term balance does not mean that each generation gets in benefits only what it contributed in taxes plus earnings. 11Indeed, most social security beneficiaries to date have received far higher rates of return on their contributions than that available, for example, on U.S. Treasury securities. But the reduction in the birth rate following the baby boom and the continued 12increase in life expectancy beyond age sixty-five mean that the social security system will no longer provide workers with such high returns.

13 Although the analogy between social security and private insurance has never been that tight, the perception of social security as insurance has been widespread and quite powerful. Many supporters of social security feared that breaking the link between payroll taxes and benefits by moving to greater reliance on general revenue financing would transform social security into a welfare program.

But now, when payroll taxes are no longer projected to be sufficient to pay even currently legislated benefits, moving toward a system of general revenue finance raises the concern that the fiscal discipline of the current social security system could be reduced. 14 Once the link between payroll taxes and social security benefits is broken, the pressure to reform the social security system may ease, particularly in this environment of budget surpluses. For example, Medicaid and Medicare part B--both of which will face increasing demands as the population ages--are already financed with general revenues, and, consequently, there has been much less pressure to date to reform these programs. The availability of general revenue finance when the baby boom generation begins to enter retirement and press on our overall fiscal resources could make it more difficult to argue for program cuts, regardless of their broader merits. 15 As I have testified on many previous occasions, there are a number of social security benefit reforms--15a such as extending the age of full retirement benefit entitlement and 15b indexing it to longevity, 15c altering the benefit calculation bend points, and 15d adjusting annual cost-of-living escalation to a more accurate measure--that should be given careful consideration. The potential for enhancing efficiency by restructuring the Medicare program is probably even greater than in social security. Relaxing fiscal discipline in the Medicare program by expanding the use of general revenues before the underlying program has been tightened could take the steam out of efforts to improve the way health services are delivered.

16 That said, I think it is important to note that most government programs are funded through general revenues, so allowing general revenues to finance some of social security or Medicare part A is clearly an idea that would not necessarily eliminate all fiscal responsibility. It might be feasible, for example, to legislate temporary general revenue transfers that would end long before the baby boom generation starts to retire, without opening the possibility of completely eliminating the need for program cuts in social security or changes to Medicare.

It is, of course, difficult to predict the political and economic environment that will be facing policymakers fifteen or twenty years in the future. Legislation passed today that affects the distribution of resources between future workers and retirees could easily be changed later. That is why the most important decision facing policymakers today is not about the distribution of future resources but about the level of future resources available for future workers and retirees. The most effective means of raising the level of future resources, in my judgment, is to allow the budget surpluses projected in the coming years to be used to pay down the nation's debt. The Congress and the Administration will have to decide whether transferring general revenues to the entitlement programs is the best way to preserve the surpluses, or whether better mechanisms exist."

William Larsen's comments

1 Greenspan, better than anyone else should know the weighted average of workers to retirees has not changed appreciably since 1937 when Social Security began. From its inception, it would take approximately 35 years for equilibrium of workers to retirees to set in. This is the fundamental problem Greenspan does not understand math nor social studies! When I was in elementary school studying social studies, we read about developed industrial countries and undeveloped countries. The difference back in the 1960's was as countries became developed, their birth rates decreased. This was due to lower infant mortality rates as well as not requiring as many children needed to help with the farm. Take a look at this graph which shows the weighted worker to retiree ratio from 1941 projected to 2048. The data was provided by the Social Security Administration. In 1941 there was only one year of retirees which met the requirements for retirement. Compare the weighted ratio with the actual ratio. Compare the increase in the burden on the worker since 1941. Now Greenspan wishes to use the excuse the birth rate is changing as the reason for Social Security's problems!

2 Greenspan talks about productivity growth. How does Social Security benefit from productivity growth? Can Social Security tax productivity? Social Security revenues comes from an applied tax (FICA) upon wages of workers up to a set amount. This set amount is incremented each year. Productivity may actually reduce the number of workers while producing the same number of parts. The amount of overall wages should decrease with productivity improvements, which means Social Security revenues will decrease or at best stay the same.

3 The 1983 Commission on Social Security, chaired by Greenspan has now done an about face. Back in 1983, the commission recommended large FICA tax increases to be set aside to fund future baby boom retirees. Were the excess FICA taxes invested in the wrong instrument? Where did Greenspan in 1983 think the excess FICA taxes would be invested?

4 Accounting is not one of Greenspan's strong points. Here he states full accrual accounting "the social security program would have shown a substantial deficit last year." I guess the 1983 commission did not bother to look at accounting. It went ahead with the largest FICA tax in the history of Social Security to sustain its solvency for 75 years. 17 years later we find their accounting and math were lacking. Using the full accrual accounting we determine Social Security has always run a deficit since its inception!

5 The decrease in the birth rate was fully known decades ago. The birth rate was clearly dropping each year since the 1850's during the Industrial Revolution. The drop in birth rates was caused more by the introduction of the "Pill" in 1962 and more importantly "Roe Vs Wade" in 1973. Greenspan headed the commission to save Social Security in 1983 a full 20 years after the slow down in birth rates began. This further shows Greenspan does not understand math, history or Social Security. It would be even worse had women not increased the number of workers. The only draw back to more workers working now, is later on these same workers become retirees applying for benefits. We trade a short term gain for a huge unfunded liability.

6 The worst part of this entire testimony before Congress is his belief PRODUCTIVITY will help the entitlement programs. Does this individual not understand the mathematics behind Social Security. Why Economic Growth Can Not Save Social Security!

7 Now Greenspan wants to transfer general revenue taxes which come from sources which do not get credited to an individuals wage history to help fund the divergent series. Why should people help fund Social Security through general taxes if they do not get credit for them? Would it not benefit society to reduce general taxes or use these for services which are open to the general citizenry instead of just the elderly? The purpose behind Social Security's funding method was to provide a direct link between the payment and the benefit. Social Security has been and still is a welfare program unable to stand on its own merits. As such, Social Security should be means tested immediately. If general revenues are used to shore up Social Security, then anyone of any age should be able to apply for benefits.

8 One of the few things stated which is true. Transferring monies to Social Security does nothing to the overall debt. It just makes it more difficult for future generations of workers to change the program. In other words transferring general revenues surpluses to Social Security in the form of Special US treasuries is putting more shackles on our children. They will be less free to decide what they want or need from the United States as far as services they pay for. Greenspan recommends tying their hands a bit tighter so they can not rebel.

9 Yes, the 1983 commission did not support general revenues to shore up Social Security. Had they supported it, instead of placing tighter controls on workers wages, Social Security would have had time to transform itself to what it needs to be. However, Greenspan and the 1983 commission have wasted 17 years.

10 Modeled after insurance plans? Is this guy nuts? They are not even remotely similar to an insurance plan. INSURANCE? He now comes forward and states "But the standard adopted for social security and Medicare part A--that taxes and other income are to be sufficient to pay benefits for 75 years--falls short of the in-perpetuity full funding standard of private pension plans, and, in many years, social security and Medicare have not met even this less stringent standard." Social Security has never met the in-perpetuity full funding standard!

11 Another true statement, but it never gets much attention. In fact, it was not even mentioned in 1983. Had they even considered this back in 1983, the program would be in much better shape. It appears Greenspan wants to continue the ponzi scheme as long as possible.

12 Increase in life expectancy past 65 has not increased as much as one would think. I doubt seriously if Greenspan even knows how it is calculated or what it is. Had he known the actual numbers or even the ball park numbers, why did he not present these in his testimony. It certainly would have added some supporting back ground. However, had he stated the life expectancy at age 65 was another 15 years and today it is 17 years, he could not very well argue the case increased life expectancy is one of the problems! His words have no basis! What is Life Expectancy?

13 The perception Social Security is insurance has been promoted by the US Government. The 1983 Commission had within its power the ability to highly recommend a program to change and correct the notion Social Security was insurance. How hard is it to notify the worker Social Security is not insurance? Does he not believe the Government could not correct this perception? It has been 17 years and Greenspan with so many supporters has not come forth very often to correct this illusion.

14 The link between payroll taxes and Social Security benefits will become invalid once general revenues are used to shore up Social Security. It will open the eyes of millions of workers. The perception Social Security as insurance will come tumbling down. The ponzi scheme will be presented in all its glory as the greatest scam ever perpetuated. Its success which has been publically stated for decades will be presented for what it actually is. THE MOST UNSUCCESSFUL PROGRAM IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES! If Social Security is successful with a $10 Trillion unfunded liability, what is an unsuccessful program?

15 These proposed changes to save Social Security are a bit late. Why were these not incorporated back in 1983 when they would have done some good? Why wait until now to present them?

15a Increasing the age for Retirement makes Social Security a Lottery!

15b Indexing for longevity makes Social Security even worse!

15c Altering the benefit formula is the same as benefit cut for future workers which is also a tax increase. Pay the same for less.

15d Changing the way COLA is calculated. Why was this not initiated back in 1983? 17 years worth of a more accurate COLA would have saved some money.

16 Yes most programs are funded by general revenues. However, two programs (Medicare and Social Security) consume 1/3 or more of the federal revenues. Rather a ridiculous statement, but then coming from Federal Reserve Greenspan, it does not surprise me.

In summary Greenspan is incompetent. He had the resources back in 1983 to investigate the problem and come up with options. He took the easy way out and did nothing. Now 17 years later, Greenspan has once again come to congress to testify presenting options which should have been proposed back in 1983. However, Greenspan was either ignorant of how Social Security worked in 1983 or he wanted to perpetuate the fraud called Social Security. None of the options he has presented in his testimony will do any good. His lack of insight into how Social Security is affected by wage growth and productivity improvements is non existent. Greenspan should be brought up on charges of gross negligence for his part in the 1983 Commission on Social Security.