The table below represents what starting balance is required to fund an adjusted benefit of $12,000 per year based on the stated assumptions (interest, inflation) and the age one lives to in the left hand column. The age of 78 was used to define the life expectancy of current retirees. With the increase in retirement age to 67, what affect does this have on future retirees? In particular, how much of an increase in life expectancy is covered by working two more years?
The calculation uses a $30,000 wage at age 65. Thereafter it is increased at 3.5% to simulate wage growth. The starting balance is calculated using the OASI tax paid and interest credited to both the payment and previous years balance. The worker would pay an additional $3,180 per year to OASI. If we added two years worth of additional OASI payments to the current value ($126,988) of a person retiring at age 65 and living to age 78 and subjected them to a rate of return of 6.9%, the balance at age 67 would be $152,635. At age 67 the adjusted benefit has increased from $12,000 per year to $12,855. The $152635 is enough to fund this initial $12,855 benefit to age 82.
In summary working two more years corresponds to an expectation life expectancy will by four more years. The question is, will the life expectancy at age 65 actually increase four years over the phase in period for full benefits at age 67?
Raising the age of full eligibility to 70 would be equivalent of expecting life expectancy at age 70
to increase to age 89. Is this likely?
What happens if life expectancy were not 78 but 82? It does
not change the overall result of working longer versus living
longer. For each year one must work longer, one should
expect to live at least twice the number of years you add
working to recoup ones increased costs.
NOTE: A higher rate of return will increase the number of years funded by two additional years of work. A higher inflation rate will decrease the number of years funded by two additional years of work. Most likely what would happen is as inflation went up, so would the return earned on US Treasury Notes.
WAGE | $30,000 | |
OASI RATE | 10.6% | |
VALUE OF CURRENT OASI | $126,988 | |
WAGE GROWTH | 3.5% | |
RATE OF RETURN | 6.90% | |
INFLATION | 3.30% | |
EFFECTIVE RATE | 3.48% | |
BENEFIT AMOUNT | $12,000 |
LONGEVITY | 78 | 80 | 82 | 84 | 86 | 89 | 92 | 94 | 97 | 101 | 104 | |
BALANCE | $126,988 | $139,315 | $152,635 | $167,023 | $182,558 | $199,327 | $217,423 | $236,944 | $257,996 | $280,694 | $305,160 | |
WORK YEARS | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | |
MUST LIVE THIS MANY MORE YEARS | 0 | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 11 | 14 | 16 | 19 | 23 | 26 | |
BENEFIT | $1,000 | $1,035 | $1,071 | $1,109 | $1,148 | $1,188 | $1,229 | $1,272 | $1,317 | $1,363 | $1,411 | |
AGE | AVERAGE WAGE | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 |
65 | $30,000 | $11,225 | ||||||||||
66 | $31,050 | $22,073 | $11,618 | |||||||||
67 | $32,137 | $32,555 | $22,845 | $12,025 | ||||||||
68 | $33,262 | $42,684 | $33,694 | $23,645 | $12,446 | |||||||
69 | $34,426 | $52,472 | $44,178 | $34,874 | $24,473 | $12,881 | ||||||
70 | $35,631 | $61,930 | $54,309 | $45,724 | $36,094 | $25,329 | $13,332 | |||||
71 | $36,878 | $71,070 | $64,098 | $56,209 | $47,325 | $37,358 | $26,216 | $13,799 | ||||
72 | $38,168 | $79,902 | $73,558 | $66,341 | $58,177 | $48,981 | $38,665 | $27,133 | $14,282 | |||
73 | $39,504 | $88,437 | $82,699 | $76,132 | $68,663 | $60,213 | $50,695 | $40,018 | $28,083 | $14,782 | ||
74 | $40,887 | $96,684 | $91,532 | $85,593 | $78,797 | $71,067 | $62,320 | $52,470 | $41,419 | $29,066 | $15,299 | |
75 | $42,318 | $104,654 | $100,068 | $94,736 | $88,589 | $81,555 | $73,554 | $64,502 | $54,306 | $42,869 | $30,083 | $15,835 |
76 | $43,799 | $112,355 | $108,317 | $103,571 | $98,052 | $91,690 | $84,409 | $76,128 | $66,759 | $56,207 | $44,369 | $31,136 |
77 | $45,332 | $119,797 | $116,287 | $112,108 | $107,196 | $101,483 | $94,899 | $87,364 | $78,793 | $69,096 | $58,174 | $45,922 |
78 | $46,919 | $126,988 | $123,989 | $120,357 | $116,031 | $110,947 | $105,035 | $98,220 | $90,421 | $81,551 | $71,514 | $60,210 |
79 | $48,561 | $133,937 | $131,432 | $128,329 | $124,570 | $120,093 | $114,831 | $108,712 | $101,658 | $93,586 | $84,405 | $74,017 |
80 | $50,260 | $140,652 | $138,624 | $136,032 | $132,821 | $128,930 | $124,296 | $118,850 | $112,517 | $105,216 | $96,862 | $87,359 |
81 | $52,020 | $147,140 | $145,574 | $143,476 | $140,793 | $137,469 | $133,442 | $128,646 | $123,009 | $116,455 | $108,899 | $100,252 |
82 | $53,840 | $153,411 | $152,290 | $150,669 | $148,498 | $145,721 | $142,281 | $138,113 | $133,149 | $127,315 | $120,531 | $112,710 |
83 | $55,725 | $159,470 | $158,780 | $157,620 | $155,943 | $153,695 | $150,822 | $147,261 | $142,947 | $137,809 | $131,771 | $124,749 |
84 | $57,675 | $165,325 | $165,051 | $164,337 | $163,137 | $161,401 | $159,075 | $156,100 | $152,415 | $147,950 | $142,632 | $136,383 |
85 | $59,694 | $170,983 | $171,111 | $170,828 | $170,089 | $168,847 | $167,050 | $164,642 | $161,564 | $157,749 | $153,128 | $147,624 |
86 | $61,783 | $176,450 | $176,967 | $177,100 | $176,807 | $176,042 | $174,757 | $172,897 | $170,405 | $167,218 | $163,270 | $158,488 |
87 | $63,945 | $181,733 | $182,626 | $183,161 | $183,299 | $182,995 | $182,204 | $180,873 | $178,948 | $176,369 | $173,071 | $168,985 |
88 | $66,183 | $186,839 | $188,094 | $189,018 | $189,572 | $189,714 | $189,400 | $188,581 | $187,204 | $185,211 | $182,542 | $179,129 |
89 | $68,500 | $191,772 | $193,378 | $194,677 | $195,633 | $196,207 | $196,354 | $196,029 | $195,181 | $193,756 | $191,694 | $188,931 |
90 | $70,897 | $196,539 | $198,484 | $200,146 | $201,491 | $202,481 | $203,074 | $203,227 | $202,890 | $202,013 | $200,537 | $198,403 |
91 | $73,379 | $201,146 | $203,418 | $205,431 | $207,151 | $208,543 | $209,567 | $210,182 | $210,339 | $209,991 | $209,083 | $207,556 |
92 | $75,947 | $205,598 | $208,186 | $210,538 | $212,621 | $214,402 | $215,842 | $216,902 | $217,538 | $217,701 | $217,341 | $216,401 |
93 | $78,605 | $209,899 | $212,794 | $215,473 | $217,907 | $220,063 | $221,906 | $223,397 | $224,494 | $225,152 | $225,321 | $224,948 |
94 | $81,356 | $214,056 | $217,246 | $220,241 | $223,014 | $225,534 | $227,765 | $229,673 | $231,216 | $232,351 | $233,032 | $233,207 |
95 | $84,204 | $218,073 | $221,548 | $224,849 | $227,950 | $230,820 | $233,427 | $235,737 | $237,711 | $239,308 | $240,483 | $241,188 |
96 | $87,151 | $221,955 | $225,706 | $229,302 | $232,719 | $235,928 | $238,899 | $241,597 | $243,988 | $246,031 | $247,684 | $248,900 |
97 | $90,201 | $225,705 | $229,723 | $233,605 | $237,328 | $240,864 | $244,186 | $247,260 | $250,053 | $252,527 | $254,642 | $256,353 |
98 | $93,358 | $229,330 | $233,605 | $237,763 | $241,781 | $245,634 | $249,295 | $252,732 | $255,914 | $258,805 | $261,366 | $263,555 |
99 | $96,626 | $232,832 | $237,356 | $241,781 | $246,085 | $250,244 | $254,232 | $258,020 | $261,578 | $264,871 | $267,863 | $270,514 |
100 | $100,008 | $236,217 | $240,981 | $245,664 | $250,244 | $254,698 | $259,002 | $263,130 | $267,051 | $270,733 | $274,142 | $277,238 |
101 | $103,508 | $239,487 | $244,484 | $249,416 | $254,262 | $259,002 | $263,612 | $268,067 | $272,339 | $276,397 | $280,209 | $283,736 |
102 | $107,131 | $242,648 | $247,869 | $253,041 | $258,145 | $263,161 | $268,067 | $272,839 | $277,450 | $281,871 | $286,071 | $290,016 |
103 | $110,880 | $245,702 | $251,140 | $256,545 | $261,898 | $267,180 | $272,372 | $277,450 | $282,388 | $287,161 | $291,737 | $296,084 |
104 | $114,761 | $248,653 | $254,301 | $259,930 | $265,524 | $271,064 | $276,532 | $281,905 | $287,160 | $292,272 | $297,211 | $301,947 |
105 | $118,778 | $251,505 | $257,356 | $263,202 | $269,028 | $274,817 | $280,552 | $286,210 | $291,772 | $297,211 | $302,501 | $307,614 |
106 | $122,935 | $254,260 | $260,307 | $266,363 | $272,414 | $278,444 | $284,436 | $290,371 | $296,228 | $301,984 | $307,613 | $313,089 |
Supplemental table: Defined life expectancy at age 65 is 80.28 for a male and 84.03 for a female (year of table 1994)
LONGEVITY | 82 | 84 | 86 | 89 | 92 | 95 | 98 | 102 | 106 | 110 | 115 | |
BALANCE | $153,411 | $167,620 | $182,956 | $199,503 | $217,352 | $236,600 | $257,350 | $279,715 | $303,813 | $329,775 | $357,736 | |
WORK YEARS | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | |
MUST LIVE THIS MANY MORE YEARS | 0 | 2 | 4 | 7 | 10 | 13 | 16 | 20 | 24 | 28 | 33 | |
BENEFIT | $1,000 | $1,035 | $1,071 | $1,109 | $1,148 | $1,188 | $1,229 | $1,272 | $1,317 | $1,363 | $1,411 | |
AGE | AVERAGE WAGE | 65 | 66 | 67 | 68 | 69 | 70 | 71 | 72 | 73 | 74 | 75 |
65 | $30,000 | $11,225 | ||||||||||
66 | $31,050 | $22,073 | $11,618 | |||||||||
67 | $32,137 | $32,555 | $22,845 | $12,025 | ||||||||
68 | $33,262 | $42,684 | $33,694 | $23,645 | $12,446 | |||||||
69 | $34,426 | $52,472 | $44,178 | $34,874 | $24,473 | $12,881 | ||||||
70 | $35,631 | $61,930 | $54,309 | $45,724 | $36,094 | $25,329 | $13,332 | |||||
71 | $36,878 | $71,070 | $64,098 | $56,209 | $47,325 | $37,358 | $26,216 | $13,799 | ||||
72 | $38,168 | $79,902 | $73,558 | $66,341 | $58,177 | $48,981 | $38,665 | $27,133 | $14,282 | |||
73 | $39,504 | $88,437 | $82,699 | $76,132 | $68,663 | $60,213 | $50,695 | $40,018 | $28,083 | $14,782 | ||
74 | $40,887 | $96,684 | $91,532 | $85,593 | $78,797 | $71,067 | $62,320 | $52,470 | $41,419 | $29,066 | $15,299 | |
75 | $42,318 | $104,654 | $100,068 | $94,736 | $88,589 | $81,555 | $73,554 | $64,502 | $54,306 | $42,869 | $30,083 | $15,835 |
76 | $43,799 | $112,355 | $108,317 | $103,571 | $98,052 | $91,690 | $84,409 | $76,128 | $66,759 | $56,207 | $44,369 | $31,136 |
77 | $45,332 | $119,797 | $116,287 | $112,108 | $107,196 | $101,483 | $94,899 | $87,364 | $78,793 | $69,096 | $58,174 | $45,922 |
78 | $46,919 | $126,988 | $123,989 | $120,357 | $116,031 | $110,947 | $105,035 | $98,220 | $90,421 | $81,551 | $71,514 | $60,210 |
79 | $48,561 | $133,937 | $131,432 | $128,329 | $124,570 | $120,093 | $114,831 | $108,712 | $101,658 | $93,586 | $84,405 | $74,017 |
80 | $50,260 | $140,652 | $138,624 | $136,032 | $132,821 | $128,930 | $124,296 | $118,850 | $112,517 | $105,216 | $96,862 | $87,359 |
81 | $52,020 | $147,140 | $145,574 | $143,476 | $140,793 | $137,469 | $133,442 | $128,646 | $123,009 | $116,455 | $108,899 | $100,252 |
82 | $53,840 | $153,411 | $152,290 | $150,669 | $148,498 | $145,721 | $142,281 | $138,113 | $133,149 | $127,315 | $120,531 | $112,710 |
83 | $55,725 | $159,470 | $158,780 | $157,620 | $155,943 | $153,695 | $150,822 | $147,261 | $142,947 | $137,809 | $131,771 | $124,749 |
84 | $57,675 | $165,325 | $165,051 | $164,337 | $163,137 | $161,401 | $159,075 | $156,100 | $152,415 | $147,950 | $142,632 | $136,383 |
85 | $59,694 | $170,983 | $171,111 | $170,828 | $170,089 | $168,847 | $167,050 | $164,642 | $161,564 | $157,749 | $153,128 | $147,624 |
86 | $61,783 | $176,450 | $176,967 | $177,100 | $176,807 | $176,042 | $174,757 | $172,897 | $170,405 | $167,218 | $163,270 | $158,488 |
87 | $63,945 | $181,733 | $182,626 | $183,161 | $183,299 | $182,995 | $182,204 | $180,873 | $178,948 | $176,369 | $173,071 | $168,985 |
88 | $66,183 | $186,839 | $188,094 | $189,018 | $189,572 | $189,714 | $189,400 | $188,581 | $187,204 | $185,211 | $182,542 | $179,129 |
89 | $68,500 | $191,772 | $193,378 | $194,677 | $195,633 | $196,207 | $196,354 | $196,029 | $195,181 | $193,756 | $191,694 | $188,931 |
90 | $70,897 | $196,539 | $198,484 | $200,146 | $201,491 | $202,481 | $203,074 | $203,227 | $202,890 | $202,013 | $200,537 | $198,403 |
91 | $73,379 | $201,146 | $203,418 | $205,431 | $207,151 | $208,543 | $209,567 | $210,182 | $210,339 | $209,991 | $209,083 | $207,556 |
92 | $75,947 | $205,598 | $208,186 | $210,538 | $212,621 | $214,402 | $215,842 | $216,902 | $217,538 | $217,701 | $217,341 | $216,401 |
93 | $78,605 | $209,899 | $212,794 | $215,473 | $217,907 | $220,063 | $221,906 | $223,397 | $224,494 | $225,152 | $225,321 | $224,948 |
94 | $81,356 | $214,056 | $217,246 | $220,241 | $223,014 | $225,534 | $227,765 | $229,673 | $231,216 | $232,351 | $233,032 | $233,207 |
95 | $84,204 | $218,073 | $221,548 | $224,849 | $227,950 | $230,820 | $233,427 | $235,737 | $237,711 | $239,308 | $240,483 | $241,188 |
96 | $87,151 | $221,955 | $225,706 | $229,302 | $232,719 | $235,928 | $238,899 | $241,597 | $243,988 | $246,031 | $247,684 | $248,900 |
97 | $90,201 | $225,705 | $229,723 | $233,605 | $237,328 | $240,864 | $244,186 | $247,260 | $250,053 | $252,527 | $254,642 | $256,353 |
98 | $93,358 | $229,330 | $233,605 | $237,763 | $241,781 | $245,634 | $249,295 | $252,732 | $255,914 | $258,805 | $261,366 | $263,555 |
99 | $96,626 | $232,832 | $237,356 | $241,781 | $246,085 | $250,244 | $254,232 | $258,020 | $261,578 | $264,871 | $267,863 | $270,514 |
100 | $100,008 | $236,217 | $240,981 | $245,664 | $250,244 | $254,698 | $259,002 | $263,130 | $267,051 | $270,733 | $274,142 | $277,238 |
101 | $103,508 | $239,487 | $244,484 | $249,416 | $254,262 | $259,002 | $263,612 | $268,067 | $272,339 | $276,397 | $280,209 | $283,736 |
102 | $107,131 | $242,648 | $247,869 | $253,041 | $258,145 | $263,161 | $268,067 | $272,839 | $277,450 | $281,871 | $286,071 | $290,016 |
103 | $110,880 | $245,702 | $251,140 | $256,545 | $261,898 | $267,180 | $272,372 | $277,450 | $282,388 | $287,161 | $291,737 | $296,084 |
104 | $114,761 | $248,653 | $254,301 | $259,930 | $265,524 | $271,064 | $276,532 | $281,905 | $287,160 | $292,272 | $297,211 | $301,947 |
105 | $118,778 | $251,505 | $257,356 | $263,202 | $269,028 | $274,817 | $280,552 | $286,210 | $291,772 | $297,211 | $302,501 | $307,614 |
106 | $122,935 | $254,260 | $260,307 | $266,363 | $272,414 | $278,444 | $284,436 | $290,371 | $296,228 | $301,984 | $307,613 | $313,089 |
107 | $127,238 | $256,923 | $263,159 | $269,418 | $275,686 | $281,948 | $288,189 | $294,391 | $300,534 | $306,596 | $312,553 | $318,380 |
108 | $131,691 | $259,496 | $265,915 | $272,370 | $278,848 | $285,335 | $291,817 | $298,276 | $304,695 | $311,052 | $317,327 | $323,492 |
109 | $136,300 | $261,983 | $268,579 | $275,223 | $281,903 | $288,607 | $295,322 | $302,030 | $308,716 | $315,359 | $321,939 | $328,433 |
110 | $141,071 | $264,386 | $271,152 | $277,979 | $284,855 | $291,769 | $298,709 | $305,658 | $312,601 | $319,521 | $326,397 | $333,207 |
111 | $146,008 | $266,708 | $273,639 | $280,643 | $287,708 | $294,825 | $301,981 | $309,163 | $316,356 | $323,542 | $330,704 | $337,821 |
112 | $151,119 | $268,951 | $276,042 | $283,217 | $290,465 | $297,778 | $305,144 | $312,551 | $319,984 | $327,428 | $334,866 | $342,279 |
113 | $156,408 | $271,120 | $278,365 | $285,704 | $293,129 | $300,631 | $308,200 | $315,824 | $323,490 | $331,183 | $338,888 | $346,587 |
114 | $161,882 | $273,215 | $280,609 | $288,107 | $295,704 | $303,389 | $311,154 | $318,987 | $326,878 | $334,812 | $342,775 | $350,749 |
115 | $167,548 | $275,239 | $282,777 | $290,430 | $298,191 | $306,053 | $314,007 | $322,044 | $330,152 | $338,319 | $346,531 | $354,772 |
116 | $173,412 | $277,196 | $284,873 | $292,674 | $300,595 | $308,628 | $316,765 | $324,998 | $333,315 | $341,707 | $350,160 | $358,659 |
117 | $179,481 | $279,086 | $286,897 | $294,843 | $302,918 | $311,116 | $319,430 | $327,852 | $336,372 | $344,981 | $353,667 | $362,415 |
118 | $185,763 | $280,913 | $288,854 | $296,939 | $305,163 | $313,520 | $322,005 | $330,610 | $339,327 | $348,146 | $357,056 | $366,045 |
119 | $192,265 | $282,678 | $290,745 | $298,964 | $307,332 | $315,843 | $324,493 | $333,275 | $342,181 | $351,203 | $360,331 | $369,553 |
120 | $198,994 | $284,384 | $292,572 | $300,921 | $309,428 | $318,088 | $326,898 | $335,851 | $344,940 | $354,158 | $363,495 | $372,942 |
121 | $205,959 | $286,033 | $294,338 | $302,812 | $311,453 | $320,258 | $329,221 | $338,339 | $347,605 | $357,013 | $366,553 | $376,217 |
122 | $213,168 | $287,626 | $296,044 | $304,639 | $313,410 | $322,354 | $331,467 | $340,744 | $350,181 | $359,772 | $369,508 | $379,382 |
123 | $220,628 | $289,165 | $297,692 | $306,405 | $315,302 | $324,380 | $333,636 | $343,068 | $352,670 | $362,437 | $372,364 | $382,441 |
124 | $228,350 | $290,652 | $299,286 | $308,112 | $317,129 | $326,337 | $335,733 | $345,314 | $355,075 | $365,014 | $375,123 | $385,396 |
125 | $236,343 | $292,090 | $300,825 | $309,761 | $318,896 | $328,229 | $337,759 | $347,484 | $357,400 | $367,503 | $377,789 | $388,252 |