Here are some files that many have thought to be very good. I hope you will find them informative as well.
The Price of Free Corn
Some years ago, about 1900, an old trapper from North Dakota hitched up some horses to his Studebaker wagon, packed a few possessions -- especially his traps -- and drove south. Several weeks later he stopped in a small town just north of the Okefenokee Swamp in Georgia. ......
Biblical Parady
In the beginning was the plan and then came the Assumptions. And the Assumptions were without form And the plan was completely without substance...... In many ways this is how legislation comes to pass. I know we can do better.
Information on William Larsen For US Representative
Going Cold Turkey, the cost
What would be the cost to Social Security, if it ceased collecting Social Security taxes and had to pay just accrued benefits? This table identifies a ball park number and shows you how it is calculated.
The Social Security Lottery
October 24, 1998 I was appalled when I heard several senators and congressmen state privatizing Social Security would end up reducing future projected benefits by 20 to 30%. Do they not realize Social Security is already broke? Increasing the age of retirement to 70, increasing FICA taxes, and paying five more years into the broken system only kills off another 16% of the people living between 65 and 70. Even this is not enough to save the system. Social Security is a lottery! If you live long enough, you might get something.
Question - What is a pyramid Scheme?
A person, whom I will call the seller, asks another person, whom I call the investor, to invest in a scheme. The seller of the scheme asks for a lump sum or a periodic payment into an investment proposal from the investor. In return the seller promises a return to the investor. Normally the return is far greater than can be obtained by the seller. It is not based on any actuarial basis and the risks have not been fully disclosed nor identified......
The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter. The grasshopper thinks he's a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away. Come winter, the ant is warm and well fed. The grasshopper has no food or shelter so he dies out in the cold..... Now the new version
Social Security is not going broke because it invests the surplus FICA taxes in United States Treasury notes. It is not going broke because the United States uses the borrowed money to pay for education, foreign aid, welfare, defense, etc. It is not going broke because the Baby boomers are aging and approaching retirement. It is not going broke because retirees are living longer. It is not going broke because the FICA tax is not high enough. It is not going broke because future benefits are rising at the rate of the average wage.
How bad is Social Security?
A person making $4 an hour will pay $948.48 into the Old Age Survivors Insurance (OASI) fund in the first year. OASI is what pays the retirement benefit of current retirees. Assuming 1.5% inflation, 2% wage growth per year and a United States Treasury rate of 5.6%, this person would produce a retirement income of $10,134 per year in 1998 dollars. Compare this to Social Security's benefit of $7,289, and it is a dismal return.
Many people say there is no problem with Social Security.....
It has been stated a person starting work today will continue to get back what they paid into OASI in three to five years and this is paying the maximum. Let us take a look at a person making 50% of the average wage all their working lives. 50% is equivalent today (1999) to $6.71 per hour......